2012 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 31.000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 7 Film Festivals

Click here to see the complete report.

wordpress | Sunda

baru tau ada wordpress dalam bahasa sunda.

link –> http://su.wordpress.org/

WordPress téh mangrupi platforma pamedal semantis pribadi anu jembar tur linuhung, anu nyimpen perhatosan kana kamonésan, kabakuan wéb, kalih kamangpaatan. WordPress miwatek haratis sakaligus mibanda ajén anu heunteu aya papadana.

Cindekna, WordPress nyaéta anu diperyogikeun anjeun nalika anjeun seja midamel padamelan ngeblog, moal ngahésékeun.

Nembé ngamimitian ngeblog? Sumangga tepangan panglawungan rojongan WordPress basa Indonésia.

Top 10 Free Rapidshare Search Engines

RapidShare is the world leader in one-click file hosting arena, despite being the most popular file-sharing service rapidshare.com lacks file search feature, the only reason I can assume they lack this feature is to avoid searching of copyrighted files by their legal owners getting illegally distributed by this pirate friendly file-hosting service. Nevertheless, their exist many services which allow you to search files hosted on rapidshare.com and other major file-sharing services like Megaupload.com, these free file search engines can be used to search for links of software, movies, music and ebooks hosted on rapidshare and similar services.

  1. Filez.com: Rapidshare Search – Note: Search Results Contains Adult Ads
  2. Rapidshare-Search-Engine.com
  3. Rapidshare1.com
  4. Rapidsharelink.com
  5. RapidFox.Com
  6. FilesTube.com
  7. Filesbot.com
  8. Hellafiles.com
  9. Searchshared.com – Supports almost all major one click file-hosters
  10. Oneclickfiles.com

Cuman testing SEO aja…

Webinar itu ternyata..

Sudah lama baca artikel yang ada tulisan ‘webinar’, dan sampai detik tadi, belum tau arti webinar itu apa.

Setelah melakukan penelusuran dari beberapa media terpercaya, akhirnya tau juga apa itu webinar.

Short for Web-based seminar, a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web.

A key feature of a Webinar is its interactive elements — the ability to give, receive and discuss information. Contrast with Webcast, in which the data transmission is one way and does not allow interaction between the presenter and the audience.

Jadi, webinar itu kepanjangan dari web seminar.

Lumayan lah, malam ini dapet kosakata baru di internet. Semoga bermanfaat..